50 mL pH Calibration Tubes Holder

Date: March 13, 2024
Designer: Caleb Mueller

Objectives and Constraints

  • Objective: This challenge was to design and manufacture a holder for multiple sets of three 50 mL pH calibration tubes. This was to replace the old method of storing them in a beaker due to their conical shaped bottom.
  • Constraints: Must fit the tubes with minimal movement to avoid spillage. Must also have chemical resistance if spillage occurs.

Materials and Tools

  • Software: Autodesk Fusion
  • Materials: PLA and PC filament
  • Equipment: Bambu X1C 3D printer

Phases of Development

I. Modelling and Prototyping

  • The tubes were measured using calipers, and the holder was modelled in Fusion. Debossed text indicating which pH tube goes where were added. A prototype was printed in PLA for fit testing.

III. Final Printing

  • Four models were printed on a Bambu X1C using transparent black PC filament.

Skills Developed

  • Text debossing in Fusion 360
  • 3D printing with a difficult engineering material
  • 3D printing tolerances

Support and Resources

  • Dr. Natalie Linklater
  • UNBC Hydrology Lab

Product Images

  • Figure 1: Final product (left), and product in use (right)

Client Feedback

Wow! Thank you so much for making these. Having the tube holders for pH indicators helps to organize the labs.”

Natalie Linklater